Dive Site: Abu Galawa Kebir

Access: Boat, zodiac

Minimum Divers: 12

Minimum Qualification: Open water

Depth Range: 0 - 18 M

Abu Galawa


The Fury Shoals in Marsa Alam are the home of The Abu Galawa ‘Surayar’ reef,

not far off Ras Qulan. There’s a wreck of a small tug on the north side of the reef, 18 meters down the surface.


The wreck is in an excellent state of conservation. The crystal-clear waters make it possible to examine every minor detail of the Abu Galawa wreck. Apart from the proverbial walls of silver glassfish, you can detect many of the tug’s fixtures and fittings, lamps and containers. There’s plentiful flora and fauna to appreciate.



Finding site: medium difficulty

Visibility: excellent

Current: weak

Dive difficulty: easy

Photographic interest: high

Marine Life: medium


Type of wreck: tug

Wreck position: north of Abu Galawa reef

Minimum depths: emerging from surface

Maximum depth: 18 metres