Dive Site: El Erug

Access: Boat, zodiac

Minimum Divers: 12

Minimum Qualification: Open water

Depth Range: 12 - 14 M

El Erug


Site Position

60 minutes from Hurghada; south of Big Giftun


Sea Conditions

Sheltered by Big Giftun. Fit for all levels of diving.



Depth 12-14 meters. Sandy seabed, decorated with a profusion of ‘ergs’ and pinnacles over a huge area. Comprised of Erug Diana, Erug Giftun and Erug Gigi. Cluster of numerous pinnacles. Navigation is the name of the game here with so many ergs and pinnacles present.


Aquatic Panorama

  • Sea fans
  • Honeycomb coral
  • Spiny row coral
  • Sulphur damselfish
  • Yellowmouth moray eels
  • Peppered moray eels
  • Snowflake mory eels
  • Bluespotted rays