Dive Site: Fanous East

Access: Boat

Minimum Divers: 12

Minimum Qualification: Open water & Snorkeling

Depth Range: 8 - 27 M

Fanous East


Site Position

30 minutes cruising from Hurghada; northwest from Big Giftun


Sea Conditions

Good at any times. Ideal for beginners and advanced divers, including training.



Depth 8-12 meters at reef, dropping off to 19-27 meters. The lighthouse on the spot gave its name ‘fanous’. Shallow wall, erected from slopy, sandy bottom. Photogenetic pinnacles and coral boulders.


Aquatic Panorama

  • Table coral
  • Coral blocks
  • Soft coral
  • Glassfish
  • Silversides
  • Jackfish
  • Clearfin lionfish
  • Crocodilefish
  • Bluespotted rays
  • Yellowtail tang
  • Blue-spine unicornfish