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Fury Shoals 2 Days
An overnight trip to the Fury Shoals will surely meet your high expectations! You’re in for two days of diving or snorkeling at, weather and sea conditions permitting, venues such as Shaab Mahsur, Claudio, Camilla, Angel Reef, Iron Reef, Mahali Sataya, Abu Galawa Soghayar and Shaab Sataya, also known as the Dolphin Reef.
The Fury Shoals attract pelagic fish from the open waters, directed by the currents. That’s why you are likely to spot sea turtles, giant trevallies, barracudas and sharks of all sorts. Mind you, sightings of hammerhead sharks and grey sharks are not unusual here!
The Fury Shoals attract coral lovers as well. Your two days cruising sees beautiful pinnacles like dripping wax candles, table corals and gently waving sea fans. The fauna scene is set to attract marine activity from the bullethead parrotfish, the devil scorpionfish, the stellate rabbitfish, the lonfin spadefish and the honeycomb filefish.
Cruising and sailing to diving and snorkeling sites is subject to weather and water conditions, the granting of authority permits and approval form governmental bodies.