Dive Site: Rocky Island

Access: Boat, zodiac

Minimum Divers: 12

Minimum Qualification: Open water

Depth Range: 7 - 40 M

Rocky Island


Rocky Island is a small island, twenty minutes cruising from Zabargad and a pelagic haven, featuring a great variety of sharks, such as tigers, white tips, silvertips and hammerheads, manta rays, countless groupers, jacks and barracudas.


Its walls are tumbling down to more than 100 meters. They show tapestries of sea fans, gorgonians, mountain corals, black coral trees and staghorn corals. It’s sheer fascinating seeing the waving gorgonians, subject to the current’s rhythm,.


Rocky Island is exposed to the sea and the elements, attracting a fabulous range of silver tips, and hammerhead sharks. It gave rise to the sobriquet ‘shark theatre’.


Unlimited visibility adds to the fish tank feel and fascinating marine life, featuring Red Sea bannerfish, the clearfin lionfish, the zebra angelfish, blackspotted sweetlips, the rusty parrotfish and the devil scorpionfish.


Aquatic Panorama

  • Staghorn corals
  • Mountain corals
  • Gorgonians
  • Tubular sponges
  • Ruste parrotfish
  • Bi-colour wrase
  • Zebra angelfish
  • Hammerhead sharks
  • Spanish dancers