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Dive Site: Siyul Al Saghir
Access: Boat, zodiac
Minimum Divers: 12
Minimum Qualification: Open water
Depth Range: 10 - 12 M
Siyul Al Saghir
Site Position
110 minutes cruising from El Gouna ; halfway between Gubal island and Shadwan.
Sea Conditions
At times unpredictable currents. Keyword is alert. Choppy cruising over open sea.
Depth ranging from 10-12 meters at the south side and 15-22 meters in the northern section. Expect the familiar sandy bottoms and coral meadows. Typical drift dive. Watch the attractive main reef. Multitude of large coral blocks.
Aquatic Panorama
- Hard coral
- Soft coral
- Longspot snapper
- Sohal surgeonfish
- Forskall’s goatfish
- Summana grouper
- Bluespotted wrasse
- Giant pufferfish